Are you registering a used vehicle in Maryland? Admiral Tire and Auto Centers is here to help!
When ownership of a vehicle is being transferred, a safety inspection is required before completing the transaction. There are six vehicle classes though most fall under the Class A designation.
At our Edgewater location, our inspector, with over two decades of automotive experience, will meticulously examine your vehicle to ensure it meets all the safety specifications required by Mayland. This facility is authorized to perform two types of inspections:
Class A - Passenger vehicles, autocycles, limousines, multipurpose passenger vehicles, recreational motor homes and trucks 10,000 pounds and under GVWR, and trailers not equipped with air brakes.
Class T - Any trailer not equipped with air brakes.
What to Expect
Before the inspection, ensure the vehicle is registered either in Maryland or another state. A temporary 30-day registration may be available if you are unable to register the vehicle prior to the safety inspection. This designation will allow you to legally transport the vehicle to the inspection station.
Inspection stations are required to post their fees. Please call us for our up-to-date rate. If the vehicle does not pass and needs to be reinspected, an additional fee may be charged depending on the extent of the procedure.
An inspection lasts approximately an hour. The inspection is a thorough examination of all the vehicle’s critical components including but not limited to brakes, steering, suspension, tires, and much more. Once the process is complete, the inspector will enter his evaluation Maryland Safety Inspection System.
If the vehicle passes the inspection, a digital copy will be sent to the Maryland Vehicle Administration (MVA) while a hard copy will be printed and provided to the customer.
If the vehicle does not pass the inspection, one of our service advisors will be glad to review the inspection report with you and possibly provide an estimated cost for repairs. Most, but not all, areas inspected are able to be repaired at one of our locations.
After the failed inspection, the vehicle owner has 30 days to rectify any issues found during the inspection. During that time frame, the vehicle cannot be driven farther than 1,000 miles. During the reinspection, only those areas that failed need to be re-examined, though the inspector may note that another area of the vehicle has become unsafe between the initial inspection and the re-inspection.
If either the 30 days or 1,000 miles are exceeded, the customer will need to schedule another full inspection.
To schedule an appointment for your Maryland safety inspection, visit our website or call 410-956-5500.
For more information and a comprehensive list of parts and systems inspected visit the MVA.