When you hear noises coming from your engine, you might wait for them to disappear. However, you could be making a mistake, as the noises could signify a serious issue with the engine. Knowing what the noises signify could save your vehicle and you from severe damage. The following are five car noises that mean that your car requires immediate attention:
A popping noise coming from your engine can be very unnerving, especially if you are on a long drive. If you hear your engine produce pop sounds, there may be an exhaust pipe leak or a dirty air filter. You should seek immediate attention as it will negatively affect air quality in the car or ruin your exhaust system.
You should be concerned whenever you hear your engine produce grinding noises. Grinding, especially, when you start your vehicle, is a sign of issues with the starter motor. If the grinding occurs when you change gears, it may be a problem with the transmission. For manual vehicles, a grinding gearbox means replacing it is necessary.
Hissing noises coming from your engine may signify a myriad of issues. Your engine may be overheating, meaning there is an issue with the cooling system. Hissing noises may also mean the vacuum may be leaking. Hissing from the engine can mean that your catalytic converter is plugged, or that fluid is leaking out onto hot parts of your engine. The liquid hisses when it burns.
Knocking sounds from the engine are common and signify an issue with the engine's ignition. The knocking sound is the result of having liquid inside the cylinder, which ignites when you try to start the car. Knocking could also signify a bad distributor cap, or damaged spark plugs which will affect the ignition.
Squealing noises from an engine means there is an issue with the brakes. It means the brake pads or shoes do not have enough padding and the squealing is the result of the friction. You should fix the brakes immediately if you hear squealing.
Visit Admiral Tire and Auto of Edgewater today if you hear any of the above noises.