Posted on 3/31/2023

Vehicles are prone to damage and problems, but some of it isn't as noticeable and gives itself away when it's too late. Before you panic, we have a simple and overlooked solution to this problem - vehicle computer diagnostics. This procedure consists of a quick check-up with your onboard computer. It will give you information on present or future problems by providing you with all the stored information. But when should you have a computer diagnostic performed? We also have the answer to this question. Here are seven giveaways that point straight to the service shop and a computer diagnostic procedure. 1. Check Engine Light One of the most obvious signs of any problem with your vehicle is the check engine light. If it turns on, an issue has occurred somewhere along all the important systems and parts. While we can't give you an exact answer to why it has turned on, we can advise you to have it checked out by a mechanic - using a diagnostic tool ... read more