Posted on 1/30/2023

Maintenance is one of the most important and effective things you can get for your vehicle to avoid costly repairs. It gives our professional team time to identify minor concerns or issues before they become big ones. Some people think it is a scam, but it is a fact that is often revealed over time. On the other hand, you should avoid falling for these costly myths relating to car care. 5 Auto Maintenance & Repair Myths “You Need to Get An Oil Change Every 3,000 Miles” The truth is that different vehicles have different recommended oil change intervals. To be more specific, newer cars (those made in this decade) can last 5,000 to 10,000 miles before needing an oil change. You should consult with your trusted technician if you have any questions about your oil change interval and the type of oil used. “Tire Pressure Recommendations are Labeled on the Tire Itself” The number on your tire is the maximum pressure for that tire and does not pertain to y ... read more