Posted on 1/30/2023

Maintenance is one of the most important and effective things you can get for your vehicle to avoid costly repairs. It gives our professional team time to identify minor concerns or issues before they become big ones. Some people think it is a scam, but it is a fact that is often revealed over time. On the other hand, you should avoid falling for these costly myths relating to car care. 5 Auto Maintenance & Repair Myths “You Need to Get An Oil Change Every 3,000 Miles” The truth is that different vehicles have different recommended oil change intervals. To be more specific, newer cars (those made in this decade) can last 5,000 to 10,000 miles before needing an oil change. You should consult with your trusted technician if you have any questions about your oil change interval and the type of oil used. “Tire Pressure Recommendations are Labeled on the Tire Itself” The number on your tire is the maximum pressure for that tire and does not pertain to y ... read more
Posted on 12/30/2022

Tire and wheel alignment should be one of your top priorities regarding car care. In fact, we recommend checking and correcting your alignment annually or bi-annually. When your wheels are properly aligned, your wheels will point straight and meet the road at the right angles. Below are all the reasons why you should keep up with your wheel alignments: Improved Fuel Efficiency Taking care of your wheel alignment ensures torque and power are distributed evenly and properly to all tires whether you’re driving straight or making turns. As a result, you will boost your fuel efficiency with regular wheel alignments. Longer Life of Tires Wheel alignments will ensure your vehicle’s tires wear evenly as they are able to make proper contact with the road. This can help extend your tires’ life and save you money in the long run. Better Handling/Increased Safety With proper wheel alignment, you will see improvements in your vehicle’s steerability. Your automobi ... read more
Posted on 11/15/2022

Pretty soon, many of us will be packing up our cars to visit family that we may not have seen for a while. If you are hitting the road this Thanksgiving, know that the team at Admiral Tire and Auto of Edgewater is looking out for your safety. To curb trouble on the road, here are six maintenance items you should check before heading out of town. 1. Fluids and Filters Your vehicle has many important fluids including motor oil, coolant (antifreeze), windshield washer fluid, power steering, brake fluid, and transmission fluid. Make sure all these fluids are full and good enough to last you for the long run. 2. Brakes A brake check can make or “break” your road trip. Your brake fluid, rotors, pads, calipers, etc. need to be in good shape as they are the most important safety feature in your car. If you notice any unusual sounds with your brakes, hurry to our auto repair shop for service. 3. Tires Our technicians can check your tire treads and pressure and locate any ... read more
Posted on 11/1/2022

We get it, tires are expensive. Having to replace all four tires on your car can feel financially devastating. However, you can make the most of the tires you already have by doing a monthly P.A.R.T. check. The first day of each month is a good time to take five minutes and check your tire pressure, alignment, rotation, and tread depth. Pressure: Inside the driver side door is a sticker that indicates the PSI for each tire. Ensure that your tire pressure matches the manufacturer’s recommendation as over-inflation or under-inflation can cause the tires to wear unevenly. Alignment: While not an easy aspect to observe, your car’s alignment is crucial to keeping the tires in top shape. If you’ve recently felt the vehicle pulling to one way or the other, it may be time to bring your vehicle in for an alignment check. Also, if you recently had a collision or hit a pothole, then call us to inspect the alignment.&nbs ... read more
Posted on 10/31/2022

When you hear noises coming from your engine, you might wait for them to disappear. However, you could be making a mistake, as the noises could signify a serious issue with the engine. Knowing what the noises signify could save your vehicle and you from severe damage. The following are five car noises that mean that your car requires immediate attention: Popping A popping noise coming from your engine can be very unnerving, especially if you are on a long drive. If you hear your engine produce pop sounds, there may be an exhaust pipe leak or a dirty air filter. You should seek immediate attention as it will negatively affect air quality in the car or ruin your exhaust system. Grinding You should be concerned whenever you hear your engine produce grinding noises. Grinding, especially, when you start your vehicle, is a sign of issues with the starter motor. If the grinding occurs when you change gears, it may be a problem with the transmission. For manual vehicles, a grinding gearbo ... read more